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    Australian Pacific Coast Championships - April 18, 19 and 20

    February 26, 2014 2 min read

    Blog from Tyler Drake, Social Secretary and Publicist Officer Newcastle Neptunes Hope Everyone has been getting stuck in to the Summer season and getting out there. It is that time of year again with the NSW competition calendar well underway. Once again the Newcastle Neptunes is proud to announce the 55th Annual Australian Pacific Coast Championships held over the Easter long weekend of 18th, 19th and 20th of April 2014.

    Some of the local Newcastle Neptunes crew have been getting into some nice Snapper

    The competition is to be held in the waters off lovely Port Stephens, NSW. There is a huge selection of prizes with major sponsors ADRENO Spearfishing providing us with major prizes for competition competitors, however there will be a lucky door draw also.

    The boats getting ready to launch at last year's APCC

    Local fishing of late has been really good, plenty of Marlin, Kingfish, M0lloway and Cobia action off the islands and a bit wider, water has been up and down like the rest of the coast but vis averaging 10m in most areas, plenty enough for diving here. Last year’s competitions was a great success with plenty of both large and exotic fish weighed in, check out Adreno’s blog for coverage of last year’s event.

    Last year's event saw some nice Kingfish being weighed in.

    There will be a fish auction conducted after the weigh in on each day, with proceeds going to the Westpac rescue helicopter services

    Presentation night will be at Nelson Bay Bowling Club, Sign on is $30 Juniors and $70 Open (Must Be USFA or AUF Financial, Forms will be provided if needed). Sign on is held under the marquee next to D'albora Marina Nelson Bay. Drinks and Food Provided during weigh in for all participants.

    The weigh in marquee. "Spearfishing - FIrst in Sustainability"

    BLUEWATER SHOOTOUT!!! Heaviest Fish >3kg $500 CASH, 2nd Heaviest $300 CASH, 3rd Heaviest $200 CASH *The Bluewater shootout is now conducted over the entire spearfest weekend, with any fish weighed Fri - Sun during competition times.

    Email me for any help or details at tyler_drake@outlook.com

    Cheers, looking forward to seeing you all there!