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    How To Equalise Properly

    August 26, 2021 2 min read

    How To Equalise Properly

    Many divers experience issues while trying to equalise - which is a vital part of ascending and descending when you're diving. Here are some tips on how to equalise properly during a dive.

    Don’t Rush When Descending

    Before you descend, make sure that when you swallow you hear a “pop” or “click” in both ears, meaning that your eustachian tubes are open. When you're equalising, remember that you don’t have to rush. You don't need to force it. If you're having a little bit of trouble you can hold your nose and lightly exhale through your nose, which can get your ears to pop as you gradually descend.

    Don’t Force It

    If you’re still having issues equalising, don’t try to force it. Stop if you feel any pain as it can only cause more damage - just be gentle. Turning your head onto your side and moving your jaw just a little bit can help you loosen up and equalise.

    Don’t Forget To Equalise Your Mask Too

    The other thing to remember is to also equalise your mask as it can cause “mask squeeze”. Mask squeeze is one of the most common issues for new divers, where the mask acts like a suction cup, pulling on your eyes and the soft tissue surrounding them. Mask squeeze happens when the pressure in your mask is not being equalised during a dive. They generally do this on the way down descending, and on the way up when ascending to the surface. Here’s how to equalise your mask:

    Put a bit of pressure on the top of the mask and slightly exhale through your nose, while pulling the bottom of the mask off. That will equalise the pressure in the mask. You'll probably have to do that a few times as you descend, based on how deep you're diving, and the same coming up.

    To summarise - equalise safely, nice and slow. Listen to the instructions from your dive guide or your dive master. Don't try to force the issue. Be patient and listen to your instructors.