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    Spearfishing report from Hawkes Bay

    February 24, 2012 1 min read

    Blog submitted by Kane Grundy from Extreme Freedom in New Zealand Hey guys,

    All has been a bit slow here in the Hawkes Bay over the last few weeks we have had constant SE winds with 2m swell!

    Things are starting to settle down now so lets hope the end of the month is productive.

    Getting out of the bay has been the answer, check out our website for the latest trips done with one to White Island spearing XXXL species and killer crays! (including video clip)

    Scallop season is now over for the lower half of the North Island so if you are in the upper North make the most of it.

    Kane Grundy

    from Extreme Freedom New Zealand Read also the trip report in from Kerry:


    Hey Kane,

    Heading home Sunday after 2 weeks at Tauranga Bay

    Vis 20m most days.

    Heaps of fish even after full moon this week. Plenty of fish Pinks Blues Snapper Trevalli Kingis etc.

    Did Taheke Rock off Cavallis yesterday Great dive with heaps activity. Shot my first mid water Snapper.

    Water full of pink plankton/krill which has just arrived. Maybe a late season for warm water.

    I've added a picture of Ned, who also shot 16 and 24 Kingis.

    Cheers, Kerry